ProPlus Cattle Brassica and Beet Balancer is a molassed mineral lick designed to supplement cattle grazing brassicas or fodder beet.
Brassica and fodder beet crops have a typically low major mineral content and are very deficient in all essential trace elements. These crops therefore require significant mineral and trace element supplementation to maintain animal health and performance.
ProPlus Cattle Brassica and Beet Balancer help balance brassica and fodder beet-based diets. Carefully balanced with vitamins, minerals and trace elements allowing livestock to achieve optimum performance.
The molassed mineral licks can be incorporated into several on-farm feeding systems and are a convenient way to supplement livestock 24 hours a day.
100g-200 head/day
Available in 20Kg and 80Kg Tubs
Protein………………………………….……5.6 %
Calcium ………………………………….….4.3 %
Magnesium ………………………………. 8.0%
Phosphorus ……………………………….5.0 %
Sodium ……………………………………..7.0 %
Manganese …………………..…………. 1,000 mg/kg
Zinc …………………………………………… 2,500 mg/kg
Cobalt ………………………… 25 mg/kg
Iodine …………………………. 125 mg/kg
Selenium …………………….. 20 mg/kg
Copper ……………………….. 1,000 mg/kg
Vitamin A …………………….100,000 iu/kg
Vitamin D3 ………………….20,000 iu/kg
Vitamin E …………………..…500 iu/kg
Tel: +(64) 027 6550 089
We are here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your animal supplement needs.
Carr’s Supplements NZ Ltd
515A Wairakei Road,
New Zealand
Phone: +(64) 03 974 9274